Louis Vuitton Spring 2011 Menswear.
Take a bullet straight through my heart.
So many words, to describe this one man.
A brilliant man with many words -Kanye West
Burberry Style/Sport/Fashion.
I've never seen a girl with so much S.W.A.G
Life in the Big city. I've always wondered what it's like? Hopefully someday I will know.
Even children are models now.. The next generation of clothing designers!
In this case I'm sophisticated.
Superman Swagg? Impressive
"Every little thing, has a very complicated message behind it"
The Beautiful Alicia Keys.
A quote from: Mr Will Smith.
I have a passion for photography.
I like his swag. It's different & but still dope!
Completely random... CHANEL
Weird Sculptures by Emil Alzamora.
I have alot of respect for Kanye West. A very inspirational guy!
Nicki Minaj is beatiful. *Hands Down*